Home Improvement 9 February 2022

Cheap Painting Tips To Make Your Home Project Easier

Have you ever looked at the photos on a listing and been completely turned off just by the look of a room? Of course you have, you’re human! It’s a natural response. We all have different tastes, and it’s bound to happen. Luckily, paint can be corrected without too much hassle. Don’t give up on a house just because the paint is outdated or not exactly what you want! These kinds of painting projects can actually be a fun bonding experience with you and your new home. It helps to make the transition fun, and show you that yes – this house is indeed yours! Not all painting projects are created equal though, especially where budget is concerned. That’s why we’ve gathered these budget friendly tips together to help you get the most out of every last (paint) drop!

A wide header image that depicts a long paint roller rolling dark grey paint onto a plain, white wall.

The Rubber Band Trick

An image of a brush wiping excess paint off on a rubber band wrapped around the paint can.

A perfect paint job – free of bubbles and/or clumps – requires you to have just the right amount of paint on your brush! Instead of wiping the excess on the edges of the paint can, where that excess can drip into the lip and become a tacky waste, wrap a rubber band vertically around your paint can. The tension provides a stable place to wipe the extra paint off. It also lets that excess drip right back into the middle of the can!

The Easy Plastic Liner

An image of a plastic grocery bag being used to cover a paint tray.

Put those plastic bags to good use! We all know how much of a pain in the butt it is to clean out the paint tray when we’re finished, so make it easy on yourself! Slip your tray into a plastic grocery bag without holes. The paint will sit in the tray as intended, but you won’t have the huge mess to deal with. Keep that bag in case you need to use the same colour again in the future.

The Smell Hack

An image of a water droplet.

Some folks like the smell of paint, but most don’t. If you’re one of the majority, you can ease the literal headache by mixing in your favourite essential oil. It’s recommended to pour in one teaspoon per gallon of paint, or one 15 ML bottle for a 5 Gallon bucket. If oils aren’t your thing, vanilla extract works too!

The Even Tone Combination

An image of yellow paints being blended together.

Once you’ve used about two-thirds of a can, blend some of the  same coloured paint from a new can into your current one. This serves to blend the tones together, creating an even, overall tone on your wall. Professional painters have been doing this for years to please their clients!

The Masking Tape Tip

An image of a putty knife being pushed down onto a wooden surface.

We all love a crisp paint line. Cheap masking tape tends to ruin that though. If you’ve opted for masking tape instead of painter’s tape, make sure you press your tape down firmly with a putty knife or other similar object you have on hand. This will prevent the bleeding that ruins your perfect paint job.

The Cleaning Trick

An image of paint brush tips, coloured and dirty.

Make cleaning your brushes a breeze by combining two tablespoons of fabric softener with warm water. Soak your dirty brushes in this mixture overnight, and by the time you clean them the next morning, that paint should come right off like it’s just food colouring! And as an added bonus, the fabric softener keeps your bristles soft and your rollers fresh.